Each screenshot is meant to showcase a different animation - the first screenshot also shows the inspector with new variables I added.

Modifications for Project 1 - Kathryn Nagy

1. Player Controller (Mainly programming, but arguably design as well)

I used this as an opportunity to familiarize myself with the nuances of Unity's input system, and I implemented the following features:

- Coyote Time: If the player leaves the edge of a platform, then attempts to jump, there will be a window of time in which the player is still able to jump.

- Jump Buffering: If the player presses the jump button while in the air, but shortly before touching the ground within a specified window of time, the jump will be executed immediately upon landing.

- Acceleration and Turning: Instead of the previous system, in which the player would start and stop immediately and snap to the direction that corresponds to the input, the player will now accelerate, decelerate, and have smooth turning. The acceleration and deceleration are defined in terms of how long it takes to reach either maximum speed or a complete stop, respectively, and they are defined separately from each other.

- Jump Gravity: The strength of gravity is different between the rise and fall of the jump, in order to create a weightier feel due to the slower rise and faster fall seen in the build.

- Defining jump in terms of height instead of strength: This does not have any impact on how the controller feels for the player, but I chose to make this change for the sake of making the jump height more intuitive for designers to work with.

All of these modifications included clear descriptions for the tooltips associated with these variables in the inspector - although this is not something that can be seen in the final project, making things designer-friendly is a high priority for my programming philosophy in general, and I wanted to keep up the habit.

2. New Overworld Track (Audio)

I wrote my own new song for the overworld in the game.

Modifications 3-5 are all animations for the 3D representation of the player. I rigged the character model and created the animator in Unity as well, which I mention here because they were necessary to get these animations in the game, but don't fit with one specific animation as opposed to another.

3. Idle Animation

4. Walk Cycle

5. Jump Animation

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Made withUnity


KathrynNagyProject1-Windows.zip 59 MB

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